Bearsden & Milngavie

Garden tips for all year round

Welcome to our comprehensive Gardening Tips and Calendar page, your go-to resource for maintaining a beautiful and thriving garden all year round. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice, our expert advice will guide you through each month with practical tips and essential tasks. From planting schedules and soil preparation to pruning and pest control, we've got everything you need to keep your garden in top shape. Explore our month-by-month calendar tailored to the unique climate and conditions of Bearsden, ensuring your garden flourishes no matter the season.

January - 10 jobs to do in the garden

Get a good start to the year

January is essential for garden maintenance in Bearsden, helping to set the scene for a flourishing garden throughout the year. Here are the top jobs to tackle this month, brought to you by experienced landscape gardeners in Bearsden:

1. Pruning and Tidying: January is perfect for pruning deciduous trees and shrubs to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth in spring. Our landscape gardeners in Bearsden recommend removing dead, diseased, or crossing branches. Cut back perennials that have died down, and clear away fallen leaves and debris to prevent disease.

2. Soil Preparation: Turn over the soil in your flower beds and vegetable patches to improve its structure. This helps with aeration and drainage, which are vital for plant health. Landscape gardeners in Bearsden suggest adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to enrich the soil and provide essential nutrients for the upcoming growing season.

3. Planning and Planting: January is an excellent time to plan your garden layout and choose plants for the year. Start sowing seeds indoors for early vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and aubergines. Hardy annuals and perennials can also be sown in trays, ready to be planted out when the weather improves. Trust the expertise of landscape gardeners in Bearsden for the best results.

4. Protecting Plants: With frost and cold winds common in Bearsden, protect tender plants using cloches, fleece, or mulch. Our landscape gardeners in Bearsden ensure greenhouse heaters function and recommend insulating outdoor pots with bubble wrap to prevent roots from freezing.

5. Maintenance and Repairs: Check garden structures such as fences, trellises, and sheds for damage. Repairing them now will save time and effort during the busier spring months. Landscape gardeners in Bearsden advise cleaning and sharpening your gardening tools to keep them in top condition for the tasks ahead.

6. Wildlife Care: Provide food and water for garden birds, which often struggle during the colder months. Install bird feeders and keep them topped up with seeds and nuts. Consider creating habitats like log piles to support other wildlife, as landscape gardeners in Bearsden recommended.

By tackling these essential tasks in January, your garden in Bearsden will be well-prepared for a vibrant and productive year. Contact your local landscape gardeners in Bearsden for professional assistance and expert advice.

February - 10 jobs to do in the garden

Essential Tasks for Your Garden

February is a crucial month for garden maintenance in Bearsden, as it sets the stage for a flourishing spring. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden, brought to you by your local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Prune Roses: February is the perfect time to prune your roses, removing dead or diseased wood and cutting back to healthy buds. This encourages new solid growth and an abundance of blooms.

2. Plant Bare-Root Trees and Shrubs: Plant bare-root trees and shrubs during the dormant season. This gives them time to establish roots before the growing season begins.

3. Prepare Vegetable Beds: Clear any remaining debris and dig in organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to enrich the soil. This ensures a fertile bed for spring planting.

4. Sow Seeds Indoors: Start sowing seeds indoors for early vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and aubergines. This gives you a head start on the growing season.

5. Divide Perennials: Now is the time to divide congested clumps of perennials. This rejuvenates the plants and encourages vigorous growth in spring.

6. Mulch Flower Beds: Apply a layer of mulch to your flower beds to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve soil structure. Use organic materials like bark, compost, or straw.

7. Check and Clean Tools: Ensure your gardening tools are in top condition. Clean, sharpen, and oil them to make your gardening tasks more accessible and efficient.

8. Protect Early Blooms: Use cloches, fleece, or other protective coverings to shield early blooms from frost. This helps prevent damage and encourages earlier flowering.

9. Feed Winter Birds: Fill bird feeders with seeds and nuts. Providing food and water helps support local wildlife during the harsh winter months.

10. Plan Your Garden: Plan your garden layout for the year. Consider new plants, garden features, and improvements. Consult with a landscape gardener in Bearsden for professional advice and ideas.

Following these tips from your local landscape gardener in Bearsden will prepare your garden for a vibrant and productive spring. Contact your trusted landscape gardener in Bearsden today for expert assistance and bespoke landscaping solutions.

March - 10 jobs to do in the garden

March Garden To-Dos

March is a pivotal month for garden preparation in Bearsden, as spring brings new growth and opportunities. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, guided by expert advice from a landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Prune Early-Flowering Shrubs: After early-flowering shrubs like Forsythia and Camellia have bloomed, it's time to prune them. This encourages healthy growth and prepares them for next year's display.

2. Start Planting Summer Bulbs: Plant summer-flowering bulbs such as Dahlias, Lilies, and Gladiolus. This ensures a vibrant display of colour in the warmer months.

3. Sow Lawn Seeds: March is ideal for sowing new lawn seeds or repairing bare patches. Prepare the soil well and keep it moist to encourage germination and establish a lush lawn.

4. Feed and Mulch Beds: Apply a slow-release fertiliser to your flower beds and borders, followed by a layer of mulch. This feeds the plants and helps retain soil moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering.

5. Divide and Replant Perennials: Divide overcrowded perennials and replant them to encourage vigorous growth and more blooms. This also helps maintain the overall health of your garden.

6. Sow Hardy Annuals: Directly sow hardy annuals like Nigella, Calendula, and Poppies into prepared beds. These plants will add early colour and interest to your garden.

7. Plant Early Vegetables: Sow early vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, and radishes. Use cloches or fleece to protect young seedlings from late frosts.

8. Install Water Butts: Install water butts to collect rainwater. This eco-friendly practice provides a sustainable water source for your garden during dry spells.

9. Inspect Garden Structures: Check fences, trellises, and sheds for winter damage. Repair any issues to ensure they are ready for the growing season and can support climbing plants.

10. Prepare for Pests: Look for early pests like aphids and slugs. Implement preventative measures such as barriers, traps, and organic treatments to protect your plants.

Focusing on these essential tasks in March will ensure that your garden in Bearsden thrives in spring and summer. Contact a trusted landscape gardener in Bearsden for personalised advice and professional landscaping services. Their expertise will help you create and maintain a stunning garden that enhances your property.

April - 10 jobs to do in the garden

Spring into step with this checklist

April is a vibrant month for garden activities in Bearsden, as the warming weather encourages new growth and blooms. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden, with expert advice from a landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Plant Spring Bedding Plants: April is the perfect time to plant spring bedding plants such as pansies, primroses, and violas. These add immediate colour and brighten up your garden beds and containers.

2. Sow Vegetable Seeds Outdoors: Directly sow seeds for vegetables like carrots, beetroot, and peas. Ensure the soil is well-prepared and keep it moist to promote germination.

3. Feed Your Lawn: Apply a spring lawn fertiliser to encourage lush growth. Mow the lawn regularly, but avoid cutting it too short to prevent stress on the grass.

4. Prune Spring-Flowering Shrubs: Once spring-flowering shrubs like forsythia and rhododendrons have bloomed, prune them to shape and control their size. This promotes healthy growth and prepares them for next year.

5. Mulch Beds and Borders: Apply a layer of mulch to your flower beds and borders. Mulching helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil structure—organic materials like compost, bark, or straw work best.

6. Plant Summer-Flowering Bulbs: Plant summer-flowering bulbs such as lilies, gladioli, and dahlias. These bulbs will provide stunning displays of colour later in the season.

7. Support Climbing Plants: Install supports for climbing plants like clematis and sweet peas. Use trellises, obelisks, or garden arches to help them grow upwards and add vertical interest to your garden.

8. Control Weeds: Keep on top of weeds by regularly hoeing and hand-pulling. Applying pre-emergent weed control can also help prevent weeds from taking hold.

9. Check for Pests and Diseases: Inspect plants for signs of pests and diseases. Early detection and treatment can prevent problems from spreading. Use organic or chemical controls as needed.

10. Plan Your Watering System: Set up an efficient watering system for your garden. Install drip irrigation or soaker hoses to ensure plants receive consistent moisture. Water should be used early in the morning to reduce evaporation.

By focusing on these essential tasks in April, your garden in Bearsden will be well-prepared for a thriving growing season. Consult a trusted landscape gardener in Bearsden for professional guidance and bespoke landscaping solutions. Their expertise will help you achieve a beautiful, healthy garden that year-round enhances your property.

May - 10 jobs to do in the garden

May you get these in time for Summer

May is a bustling month for garden enthusiasts in Bearsden as warmer temperatures and longer days encourage rapid growth. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden, guided by expert advice from a landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Plant Summer Bedding Plants: May is the perfect time to plant summer bedding plants like petunias, marigolds, and begonias. These vibrant flowers will provide colour and charm to your garden throughout the summer.

2. Harden Off Seedlings: Gradually acclimatise indoor-grown seedlings to outdoor conditions. Place them outside during the day and bring them in at night for a week before planting them in the garden.

3. Sow Directly Outdoors: Sow seeds for summer vegetables such as beans, sweetcorn, and courgettes directly into prepared beds. Ensure the soil is warm and fertile for the best results.

4. Mulch and Feed Plants: Apply mulch around your plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health. Feed with a balanced fertiliser to support vigorous growth and abundant flowering.

5. Prune Spring-Flowering Shrubs: After spring-flowering shrubs like lilacs and azaleas have bloomed, prune them to maintain shape and encourage new growth.

6. Support Tall Plants: Install stakes or supports for tall plants like delphiniums and peonies. This prevents them from flopping over as they grow and bloom.

7. Keep on Top of Weeds: Weeds can quickly take over in May. Regular weeding, either by hand or with a hoe, keeps them in check and ensures your plants don't compete for nutrients and water.

8. Monitor for Pests: Watch out for common garden pests such as aphids, slugs, and snails. Use organic or chemical treatments as needed to protect your plants from damage.

9. Water Wisely: Ensure your garden receives adequate water, especially during dry spells. Water plants should be planted early or late evening to minimise evaporation.

10. Plant Hanging Baskets and Containers: Fill hanging baskets and containers with trailing and upright plants. These portable gardens add splashes of colour to patios, balconies, and entrances.

Focusing on these essential tasks in May will ensure that your garden in Bearsden thrives throughout the summer. Contact a trusted landscape gardener in Bearsden for personalised advice and professional landscaping services. Their expertise will help you create and maintain a stunning garden that enhances your property and brings joy throughout the growing season.

June - 10 jobs to do in the garden

Summer is nearly here!

June is a vibrant month for gardening in Bearsden, as the warm weather and long days encourage lush growth and abundant blooms. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, brought to you by a professional landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Deadhead Flowers: Regularly spent flowers on annuals, perennials, and roses to encourage continuous blooming. This simple task redirects the plant’s energy from seed production to new growth and flowers.

2. Watering Routine: Establish a consistent watering routine to keep your plants healthy and hydrated. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage profound root growth. Early morning is the best time to water to minimise evaporation and fungal diseases.

3. Feed Your Plants: June is the time to boost your plants mid-season. Apply a balanced fertiliser to flowering plants, vegetables, and lawns. This provides essential nutrients for robust growth and flowering.

4. Prune Shrubs and Hedges: Trim evergreen shrubs and hedges to maintain their shape and promote dense growth. Light pruning of spring-flowering shrubs can also be done if needed.

5. Mulch Garden Beds: Apply a fresh layer of mulch around your plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil quality—organic mulches like compost, bark, or straw work best.

6. Harvest Early Crops: Harvest early crops such as lettuce, radishes, and strawberries. Regular harvesting encourages continued production and prevents plants from becoming leggy or bolting.

7. Control Pests and Diseases: Watch for aphids, slugs, and caterpillars. Use organic or chemical treatments to control infestations. Regularly inspect plants for signs of disease and remove any affected foliage to prevent spread.

8. Support Climbing Plants: Ensure climbing plants like tomatoes, beans, and sweet peas are securely tied to supports. This helps prevent wind damage and allows better air circulation around the plants.

9. Plant Summer Annuals: Fill gaps in your garden beds with summer annuals like marigolds, zinnias, and cosmos. These plants add vibrant colour and fill in spaces left by spring-flowering plants.

10. Mow and Maintain Lawns: Mow your lawn regularly, but avoid cutting it too short in hot weather to prevent stress. Feed your lawn with a summer fertiliser and keep it well-watered to maintain a lush, green appearance.

Focusing on these essential tasks in June will ensure that your garden in Bearsden thrives and remains healthy throughout the summer. Consult a trusted landscape gardener in Bearsden for expert advice and professional landscaping services. Their expertise will help you create and maintain a beautiful garden that enhances your property and provides enjoyment all season long. Whether you need help with planting, pruning, or pest control, a landscape gardener in Bearsden can provide tailored solutions to meet your garden's unique needs.

July - 10 jobs to do in the garden

Keeping the bees happy

July is a beautiful time for gardening in Bearsden, with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine helping your plants flourish. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, with friendly tips from a local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Deadhead Flowers: Keep your garden vibrant by deadheading spent flowers on annuals, perennials, and roses. This encourages more blooms and keeps your plants looking their best.

2. Water Wisely: July can be hot, so make sure your plants stay hydrated. Water deeply and less frequently to encourage strong roots. Early morning is the best time to water to reduce evaporation and prevent diseases.

3. Feed Your Plants: Give your plants extra love with a mid-season feed. Use a balanced fertiliser to keep your flowers, vegetables, and lawn healthy and thriving.

4. Prune and Trim: Lightly prune evergreen shrubs and hedges to keep them neat and promote new growth. If you have spring-flowering shrubs, a light trim after blooming can help maintain their shape.

5. Mulch Your Beds: A fresh layer of mulch around your plants helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil quality. Organic mulches like compost, bark, or straw are excellent choices.

6. Harvest Your Veggies: Enjoy your labour's fruits (and veggies)! Regularly harvest crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans to encourage continued production.

7. Keep an Eye on Pests: Pests can be problematic in July. Watch for aphids, slugs, and caterpillars, and treat them promptly. Regularly inspect your plants and remove any affected foliage to prevent disease spread.

8. Support Your Climbers: Make sure climbing plants like beans, tomatoes, and sweet peas are well-supported. Use stakes or trellises to keep them upright and healthy.

9. Fill in the Gaps: Fill in any gaps in your garden beds with summer annuals like marigolds, petunias, and zinnias. These colourful plants will brighten your space and fill any empty spots.

10. Care for Your Lawn: Mow your lawn regularly, but avoid cutting it too short during hot weather to prevent stress. Keep it well-watered, and consider applying a summer fertiliser to keep it lush and green.

By taking care of these essential tasks in July, your garden in Bearsden will stay beautiful and healthy all summer. Contact a friendly landscape gardener in Bearsden for personalised advice and professional landscaping services. They can help you create and maintain a stunning garden in which you’ll love spending time. Whether you need help with planting, pruning, or pest control, your local landscape gardener in Bearsden has the expertise to keep your garden looking its best.

August - 10 jobs to do in the garden

The last of the sunshine

August is a prime time for gardening in Bearsden, with summer in full swing and gardens bursting with life. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, with friendly tips from a local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Keep Deadheading: Continue to deadhead spent flowers on annuals, perennials, and roses. This simple task encourages more blooms and keeps your garden vibrant and tidy throughout the month.

2. Water Efficiently: August can be hot and dry, so watering your plants efficiently is essential. Deep watering encourages roots to grow down, making plants more drought-resistant. Water early in the morning or late evening to reduce evaporation and give plants a good drink.

3. Harvest Regularly: Your vegetable garden will likely peak in August. Harvest crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and beans regularly to encourage continued production. Don’t forget to enjoy your fresh, homegrown produce in delicious summer meals!

4. Feed Your Plants: Give your plants a late-summer feed to keep them healthy and productive. Use a balanced fertiliser for flowering plants and a high-potash feed for fruiting vegetables to support their growth.

5. Weed Vigilantly: Weeds can quickly take over in August, competing with your plants for water and nutrients. Regular weeding, either by hand or with a hoe, helps keep your garden tidy and your plants thriving.

6. Trim and Prune: Lightly trim hedges and prune summer-flowering shrubs once they bloom. This helps maintain their shape and promotes healthy growth. Be cautious not to prune too late in the season, as new growth might not harden before the colder months.

7. Mulch Again: A fresh layer of mulch can help retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health. Organic mulches like compost, bark, or straw are excellent choices and can make a big difference during the hot summer.

8. Support Late Bloomers: Tall plants like dahlias, sunflowers, and gladioli may need staking to keep them upright. Ensure they are securely tied to supports to prevent them from toppling over in summer breezes.

9. Plan for Autumn: Start planning for your autumn garden. Consider what bulbs, perennials, and trees you might want to plant as the weather cools. Ordering seeds and plants ensures you’re ready for the next planting season.

10. Pest Control: Watch for late-summer pests like aphids, caterpillars, and spider mites. Regular inspections and prompt treatment with organic or chemical controls help protect your plants from damage.

By focusing on these essential tasks in August, your garden in Bearsden will continue to thrive and look beautiful through the end of summer and into autumn. Contact a friendly landscape gardener in Bearsden for personalised advice and professional landscaping services. Their expertise will help you maintain a stunning garden you can enjoy all year round.

Whether you need help with planting, pruning, pest control, or planning for the next season, a landscape gardener in Bearsden can provide the tailored solutions you need. Their local knowledge and professional experience ensure that your garden receives the best care possible, enhancing its beauty and functionality.

So, get out there and enjoy your garden this August, knowing that with some effort and expert advice, you can keep it looking its best all summer long. Happy gardening!

September - 10 jobs to do in the garden

Start planning for Winter

September is a transitional month for gardening in Bearsden as summer continues to autumn. This period is perfect for preparing your garden for the cooler months while enjoying the lingering warmth. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, with friendly tips from a local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Harvest and Enjoy: Continue to harvest late summer crops such as tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, and beans. Early autumn vegetables like pumpkins and squash should also be ready. Enjoy your fresh produce and consider preserving or freezing excess for the winter.

2. Plant Autumn Bulbs: Now is the time to plant spring-flowering bulbs like daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. Planting bulbs in September ensures enough time to establish roots before the ground freezes.

3. Divide Perennials: Early autumn is ideal for dividing and replanting perennials that have become overcrowded. This promotes healthier growth and more abundant blooms next spring. It's also a great way to propagate your favourite plants.

4. Lawn Care: September is an excellent time to aerate your lawn and apply an autumn fertiliser. Overseed bare patches to ensure a lush lawn in the spring. Regular mowing should continue but gradually reduce the frequency as growth slows.

5. Prune and Tidy: Prune late-summer flowering shrubs and tidy up perennial borders. Remove any dead or diseased foliage to keep your garden looking neat and prevent the spreading of disease.

6. Mulch Beds: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and insulate roots against winter cold. Organic mulches like compost or bark chips are particularly beneficial.

7. Plant Trees and Shrubs: September is perfect for planting new trees and shrubs. The soil is still warm, allowing roots to establish before winter. Ensure you thoroughly water newly planted trees and shrubs to help them settle in.

8. Pest Control: Monitor for pests such as slugs, snails, and aphids. Use organic or chemical treatments as necessary to protect your plants. Removing dead plant material also reduces hiding spots for pests.

9. Prepare the Greenhouse: Clean and organise your greenhouse for autumn and winter use. Remove any dead plants, disinfect surfaces, and check heating systems. This prepares the space for overwintering tender plants.

10. Plan for Winter: Start planning your winter garden tasks. Order seeds and bulbs for winter and early spring planting. Consider creating a garden journal to track your successes and areas for improvement for next year.

Focusing on these essential tasks in September will prepare your garden in Bearsden for the upcoming winter while still looking beautiful and productive. Consult a friendly landscape gardener in Bearsden for personalised advice and professional landscaping services. Their expertise will help you maintain a stunning garden that flourishes throughout the seasons.

Whether you need help with planting, pruning, pest control, or planning for the future, a landscape gardener in Bearsden can provide tailored solutions to meet your garden’s unique needs. Their local knowledge and professional experience ensure your garden receives the best care possible, enhancing its beauty and functionality.

Enjoy the changing season in your garden this September, and with a little effort and expert guidance, you can keep it thriving all year round. Happy gardening!

October - 10 jobs to do in the garden

The air is getting crisper

October is a month of transformation for gardens in Bearsden as autumn’s excellent, crisp air sets in. It's a crucial time for preparing your garden for winter while enjoying the beautiful autumnal displays. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, with friendly tips from a local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Plant Spring Bulbs: October is the perfect time to plant spring-flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths. Planting them now ensures they have enough time to establish roots before the winter frost.

2. Harvest and Store Produce: Continue harvesting late crops like carrots, parsnips, and pumpkins. Store root vegetables in a cool, dark place and preserve or freeze any excess produce to enjoy throughout the winter.

3. Clear Fallen Leaves: Regularly clear fallen leaves from lawns, paths, and beds. The leaves can be used to create leaf mould, a valuable soil conditioner. Avoid leaving them on the grass, as they can cause the lawn to become soggy and encourage disease.

4. Prune Trees and Shrubs: Prune deciduous trees and shrubs once their leaves have fallen. This makes their structure more accessible to see and encourages healthy growth in the spring. Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches.

5. Protect Tender Plants: Move tender plants into a greenhouse or indoors. For those too large to move, wrap them in horticultural fleece or bubble wrap to protect them from frost.

6. Mulch and Insulate: Apply a thick layer of mulch to garden beds to insulate plant roots against the cold. Mulching also helps retain moisture and suppress weeds. Use organic materials like compost, bark, or straw.

7. Lawn Care: Give your lawn a final mow before winter, but keep the grass slightly longer to protect it from frost. Rake out moss and thatch, and aerate the soil to improve drainage.

8. Clean and Store Tools: Clean, oil, and store your garden tools to prevent rust and damage. Taking care of your tools now ensures they are ready for use when spring arrives.

9. Prepare the Greenhouse: If you have a greenhouse, clean it thoroughly and check for any repairs. Consider installing insulation or a heater to keep it warm during winter.

10. Plan for Next Year: Plan your garden for next year. Order seeds, bulbs, and plants and consider changes you’d like to make. A well-thought-out plan will make spring planting much more accessible.

Focusing on these essential tasks in October will prepare your garden in Bearsden for the winter months and set it up for a vibrant spring. For personalised advice and professional landscaping services, contact a friendly landscape gardener in Bearsden. Their expertise will help you maintain a beautiful garden year-round.

Whether you need assistance with planting, pruning, or winter preparation, a landscape gardener in Bearsden can provide tailored solutions to meet your garden’s unique needs. Their local knowledge and professional experience ensure your garden receives the best care possible, enhancing its beauty and functionality.

Enjoy the beauty of autumn in your garden this October, and with a little effort and expert guidance, keep it thriving through the colder months. Happy gardening!

November - 10 jobs to do in the garden

The long dark days and dreaming of Spring

As winter approaches in Bearsden, November is a month of preparation and protection in the garden. With the proper care, your garden can weather the colder months and emerge strong in the spring. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, with friendly tips from a local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Plant Winter Containers: Brighten your garden with winter containers filled with hardy plants like pansies, violas, and evergreen shrubs. These provide colour and interest through the cold months.

2. Rake and Compost Leaves: Continue to rake up fallen leaves from lawns, paths, and beds. Compost the leaves to create valuable mould or use them as mulch to protect plant roots.

3. Protect Young Trees and Shrubs: Shield young trees and shrubs from harsh winter weather by wrapping their trunks with tree guards or burlap. This helps prevent frost damage and animal browsing.

4. Plant Bare-Root Roses: November is an excellent time to plant bare-root roses. Ensure they are grown in well-prepared soil to establish strong roots before spring.

5. Prune Fruit Trees: Prune apple and pear trees while they are dormant. Remove any dead, damaged, or crossing branches to promote healthy growth and better fruit production next year.

6. Mulch and Insulate: Apply a thick layer of mulch around perennials, trees, and shrubs to insulate roots against freezing temperatures. Organic mulches like compost, straw, or wood chips work best.

7. Clean and Store Garden Furniture: Clean and store away garden furniture to protect it from winter weather. This helps prolong its lifespan and keeps it in good condition for next spring.

8. Check and Repair Garden Structures: Inspect fences, trellises, and sheds for any damage and make necessary repairs. Ensuring they are sturdy helps them withstand winter storms and protects your garden.

9. Feed the Birds: Set up bird feeders and provide fresh water to support local wildlife through the winter. High-energy foods like seeds, nuts, and suet are especially beneficial during cold weather.

10. Plan for Spring: Spend time planning your spring garden. Order seeds, bulbs, and plants now to ensure you have everything ready for the new growing season. Consider new projects or changes you want to make.

By focusing on these essential tasks in November, your garden in Bearsden will be well-prepared for winter and ready to flourish in the spring. For personalised advice and professional landscaping services, consult a friendly landscape gardener in Bearsden. Their expertise will help you maintain a beautiful and healthy garden all year round.

Whether you need help with planting, pruning, or winter preparation, a landscape gardener in Bearsden can provide tailored solutions to meet your garden’s unique needs. Their local knowledge and professional experience ensure your garden receives the best care possible, enhancing its beauty and functionality.

Embrace the changing season in your garden this November, and with a little effort and expert guidance, you can keep it thriving through the winter months and beyond. Happy gardening!

December - 10 jobs to do in the garden

All is quiet or is it?

December is a quiet but essential month for garden maintenance in Bearsden as the focus shifts to protecting plants and preparing for the new year. Here are the top 10 things to do in your garden this month, with friendly tips from a local landscape gardener in Bearsden:

1. Protect Delicate Plants: Shield delicate plants from frost and cold winds. Use cloches, fleece, or bubble wrap to insulate pots and wrap tender plants to prevent frost damage.

2. Prune Deciduous Trees and Shrubs: While plants are dormant, prune deciduous trees and shrubs to shape them and remove any dead or diseased wood. This encourages healthy growth in spring.

3. Mulch Beds and Borders: Apply a thick layer of mulch to flower beds and borders. This helps insulate the soil, retain moisture, and suppress weeds. Use organic materials like compost, straw, or bark.

4. Clean Greenhouses and Tools: Clean your greenhouse thoroughly, removing dead plants and disinfecting surfaces. Clean and oil garden tools to prevent rust and ensure they are ready for spring.

5. Feed Garden Birds: Support local wildlife by keeping bird feeders stocked with seeds, nuts, and suet. Provide fresh water daily to help birds stay hydrated during the cold months.

6. Check Stored Vegetables: Regularly inspect stored vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions for signs of rot or decay. Remove any affected produce to prevent the spread of disease.

7. Plan Next Year's Garden: Plan your garden for the coming year. Order seeds, plants, and bulbs now to ensure you have everything ready for the new growing season. Consider new design ideas or projects.

8. Plant Bare-Root Plants: December is an excellent time to plant bare-root trees, shrubs, and roses. Planting allows them to establish roots before the growing season begins in spring.

9. Repair and Maintain Structures: Inspect and repair garden structures like fences, trellises, and sheds. Ensuring they are in good condition helps them withstand winter weather and prepares them for spring growth.

10. Enjoy Winter Interest: Add winter interest to your garden with plants with attractive bark, berries, or evergreen foliage. Plants like holly, dogwood, and winter jasmine can provide colour and texture during the cold months.

By focusing on these essential tasks in December, your garden in Bearsden will be well-prepared for the winter and ready to thrive in the spring. For personalised advice and professional landscaping services, consult a friendly landscape gardener in Bearsden. Their expertise will help you maintain a beautiful and healthy garden all year round.

Whether you need assistance with planting, pruning, or winter protection, a landscape gardener in Bearsden can provide tailored solutions to meet your garden’s unique needs. Their local knowledge and professional experience ensure your garden receives the best care possible, enhancing its beauty and functionality.

Embrace the winter season in your garden this December, and with a little effort and expert guidance, you can keep it thriving through the colder months and beyond. Happy gardening!